Free download the pathless 2
Free download the pathless 2

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“I, for instance,” he continued, “am ashamed of my failure to keep abreast of modern science. He knows nothing of what other men are doing.” Nearly every man is a specialist in his own particular line and consequently he is as narrow-minded as it is possible to be. “It is surprising,” said the professor to his wife, “how ignorant we all are. That knowledge is of no significance at all. Even if the whole world says he is not, I don’t care a bit. When I am talking I am talking about the innermost core. Your being is beyond accident, beyond caste, beyond religion, beyond nation, beyond color. The accident can only decide the form, not your being. By accident you may be black or white, but you are neither. By accident you may have been born in Germany, but you are not a German. I don’t talk about accidents.īy accident I was born in India, but I am not an Indian. I also know that he was a kshatriya by birth. By birth nobody is a brahmin, nobody can be. When I say Krishna was a brahmin, I mean Mahavira was a brahmin, Buddha was a brahmin – so was Moses, so was Jesus, so was Lao Tzu. When I said that Krishna was a brahmin, I mean that he knew the ultimate truth – brahma is the ultimate truth.

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When I say something there is no need to ask anybody about it. Nobody is ready to accept him as a brahmin. Once you said that Krishna was a brahmin, but really he was a kshatriya.

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