U.S. Navy Action and Operational Reports from World War II, Pacific Theater national archives
U.S. Navy Action and Operational Reports from World War II, Pacific Theater national archives

U.S. Navy Action and Operational Reports from World War II, Pacific Theater national archives

All hands were called to general quarters and about five minutes later this ship opened fire with the anti-aircraft battery of 3"/50 caliber, 1/1" and.

U.S. Navy Action and Operational Reports from World War II, Pacific Theater national archives

I started up to the bridge and was met by Lieutenant Taylor who reported that the Japanese were attacking the Fleet. Looking out my airport I saw the water boiling amidships. About 0755 on the morning of December 7, 1941, I was in my cabin drinking a cup of coffee when I heard and felt a dull explosion in the ship.Raleigh's participation in the battle of Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. Harper's Weekly, 1857-1916, on microfilm.Harper's Magazine (or Harper's Monthly), 1850-1899 online 1850 to present in bound volumes.Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1750 online 1731-1866, Special Collections.Edinburgh Review, 1802-1929, bound volumes or microfilm.Eclectic Magazine, 1856-1875, Special Collections.Blackwood's Magazine, 1843-1863 online 1817-1865 in Special Collections 1866-1908 in bound volumes.Army and Navy Register (title varies), 1879-1964, bound volumes or microfilm.Army and Navy Magazine, 1880-1888, Special Collections.Army and Navy Journal, 1863-1950, microfilm or Special Collections.Army and Navy Chronicle, 1835-1844, Special Collections.Analetic Magazine, 1812-1820, Special Collections.Titles in Special Collections are in that area on the 3rd floor. Titles on microfilm are in the Microform Room on the 1st floor. Titles with no location are print bound volumes shelved alphabetically on the 2nd floor. Titles in blue link to some online access.

U.S. Navy Action and Operational Reports from World War II, Pacific Theater national archives